Allodapine bees first evolved in Africa and then spread to Madagascar, Asia, and Australia. The earliest dispersal from Africa to Australia occurred about 30 million years ago.
Allodapine bees communicate through sophisticated forms of social communication, such as pheromonal regulation of reproduction and complex forms of kin recognition. They use pheromones to convey information quickly and seamlessly to large groups, allowing them to coordinate various activities within the colony. Additionally, some species of Allodapine bees perform a special dance, similar to the waggle dance of honeybees, to communicate the location of pollen and nectar. This dance conveys the direction and distance of the food source in relation to the hive, enabling other colony members to locate and exploit the food efficiently. These communication strategies contribute to the coordination and success of Allodapine bee colonies.
Landscape Format:
Paper Print (Archival – Matt Texture)
A2 594 x 420mm Print Code K – R
A1 841 x 594mm Print Code L – R
A0 1189 x 841mm Print Code M – R
Landscape Format:
Fabric Print (Includes Aluminium Frame)
2000 x 1200mm(2 x 1.2m) Print Code A – R